Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 6.2
Device Brands:
Created: 12-Sep-2011 11:18:25 AM
Last Updated:

How to add the Increase FPS on alarm option in Symphony 6.1 and 6.2 or later


For cameras that cannot have the FPS adjusted in the Symphony interface:

Symphony V6.1:

  1. Open Windows explorer to aira\_config\cameras\1
  2. Backup the existing DetectionXML.txt
  3. Edit DetectionXML.txt and add:
  4.  <ChangeFPS>1</ChangeFPS> inside <Manufacturer> and <Model>
  5. Save.
  6. Restart Symphony.
  7. From the Server menu, select Configuration. The Server Configuration dialog box opens with the Device pane active.
  8. Select the Increase frame rate on alarm check box.

Symphony V6.2 or later:

  1. In Symphony, from the Server menu, select Manual Configuration Editor.
  2. Expand Type: Camera.
  3. Expand ID:1.
  4. Find the entry with key DetectionXML.
  5. Click the Value field and add
  6. <ChangeFPS>1</ChangeFPS> inside <Manufacturer> and <Model>
  7. Click OK.
  8. Restart Symphony.
  9. From the Server menu, select Configuration. The Server Configuration dialog box opens with the Device pane active.
  10. Select the Increase frame rate on alarm check box.


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