Article Type:
How To
Product Version:
Symphony Client
Device Brands:
27-Oct-2011 4:26:51 PM
Last Updated:
How to add a setting to control PTZ movement when it is unlocked and a camera tour is disabled or inactive
When a user unlocks the PTZ, or the Maximum Locked Minutes (5) times out, the PTZ camera can be set to automatically:
- Go back to a previous guard tour position (even if tour is disabled or inactive) - PrevPos
- Remain where it is - Stay
- Go to position #1 - Home
- In Symphony, add a PTZ camera with a tour of 3 locations.
- From the Server menu, select Manual Configuration Editor.
- Expand Type: Camera.
- Find the ID of your camera and expand it.
- Click the Add a new setting... field.
- In the blank field under the Type, Section, Key, and Value columns, enter
Camera, PTZ, ID, OnPTZUnlock, Home
(or you can indicate Stay or PrevPos in the Value column)
- Click OK.
Restart Symphony and test your setting:
- PTZ the camera to a preset location or let a tour run and switch to a location.
- Right-click on the live video and select Camera Tour, Disable. (Make sure that the tour is enabled in the camera tour dialog.)
- Note the current location and then PTZ camera to another location.
- Wait 5 minutes (PTZMaxLockedMinutes default). Ensure that camera goes to the OnPTZUnlock position you set in the Manual Configuration Editor (Home, Stay, or PrevPos).
- PTZ camera to another location and wait 10 minutes. Ensure that the camera goes to the OnPTZUnlock position.
Note: To speed up testing, you can set PTZMaxLockedMinutes=1 to overwrite the default 5 minute time setting in the Manual Configuration Editor.
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