Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version:
Component: Symphony Server
Device Brands:
Created: 25-Jan-2012 2:13:02 PM
Last Updated:

How to exempt a single camera from the global camera tamper rule


You want to use the global camera tamper rule for all but one camera. However, because it is a global rule, you cannot exempt a single camera.


For Axis Encoders:

  1. In Symphony, disable the global camera tamper rule in the Server Configuration, Rules Summary screen.
  2. disable rule


  3. While in the Rules Summary screen, launch the Rules Wizard by clicking New.
  4. Create a new rule for EACH camera that you want to receive tamper alarms on.
  5. Click Event and then select the camera under the IO and Motion Detection section.
  6. Select the Camera Tamper option.
  7. rule wizard camera tamper


  8. Click Next. The Action screen opens with the the Alarm tab active.
  9. From the Choose a camera list, select the camera again.
  10. alarm tab


  11. Click Next. In the Schedule screen, create, name, and save a schedule.

For Bosch Cameras:

You must disable the tamper alert on the Bosch device webpage.

  1. In Symphony, keep the global tamper rule enabled.
  2. Go to the web page for Bosch devices that you want to disable camera tampering.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. In the left sidebar, expand Advanced Mode, Alarm, and then click VCA.
  5. In the VCA screen, clear ALL check boxes in the Tamper detection group box.

Bosch camera settings


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