Article Type:
How To
Product Version:
Symphony Server
Device Brands:
1-Feb-2012 9:55:05 AM
Last Updated:
How to view a list of banned cameras and camera groups
Solution To view a list of banned cameras or camera groups, you must run a SQL query in the command line. The list shows banned cameras and camera groups with one group level above. For example, - parentgroup\camera1
- parentgroup\group1
To view a list: - At the command prompt, enter the following command:
dbupdater "SELECT DISTINCT substring(S3.V,4,100) COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT FROM Device, UserGroup, Settings S1, Settings S2, Settings S3, ResolvedRights WHERE S1.K='SecurityProfile' AND S1.V = ResolvedRights.ProfileID AND S2.K = 'LiveBanGroup' AND UserGroup.[Name] COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT = S2.V COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AND UserGroup.SecurityID = ResolvedRights.PrincipalID AND Device.Guid = ResolvedRights.ResourceID AND S3.Id = Device.ID AND S3.K='CameraTable' UNION SELECT DISTINCT D2.[Name] + '/' + BanGroup.[Name] COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT FROM DeviceGroup D1, DeviceGroup D2, DeviceGroupToDeviceGroup,(SELECT DISTINCT DeviceGroup.[Name] FROM DeviceGroup, UserGroup, Settings S1, Settings S2, ResolvedRights WHERE S1.K='SecurityProfile' AND S1.V = ResolvedRights.ProfileID AND S2.K = 'LiveBanGroup' AND UserGroup.[Name] COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT = S2.V COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AND UserGroup.SecurityID = ResolvedRights.PrincipalID AND DeviceGroup.ID = ResolvedRights.ResourceID) BanGroup WHERE BanGroup.[Name] = D1.[Name] AND D1.ID = DeviceGroupToDeviceGroup.GroupID AND D2.ID = DeviceGroupToDeviceGroup.ParentGroupID"
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