Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version:
Component: Symphony Server
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Created: 7-Mar-2012 10:34:10 AM
Last Updated:

How to change the cleaner interval time


The CleanerInterval global setting allows you to specify when the cleaner should run. The default value is 3600 seconds.


In large installations, the cleaner should clean more often (set lower CleanerInterval) to even out the deletion load and lower variability of disk space used. The cleaner deletes complete files (not partial files); therefore, set a smaller maximum file size to minimize the chance that too much data is deleted by the cleaner. See How to set maximum file footage size.


Add a custom setting using the Manual Configuration Editor:

  1. In Symphony, from the Server menu, select Manual Configuration Editor.
  2. Expand Type: Global.
  3. Find the ID of your server and expand it.
  4. Click the Add a new setting... field.
  5. In the blank field under the Type, Section, Key, and Value columns, enter:

Type: Global

ID: <your server ID>

Section: Main

Key: CleanerInterval

Value: <value in seconds>

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