Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version:
Component: Symphony Server
Device Brands:
Created: 12-Apr-2012 3:48:25 PM
Last Updated:

How to change the transmission priority setting to image quality (Constant Bit Rate) instead of FPS (Panasonic cameras only)

Solution (Release 6.9.3)

  1. In Symphony, from the Server menu, select Manual Configuration Editor.
  2. Expand Type: Camera.
  3. Find the ID of your camera and expand it.
  4. Find the row where Keydev_options.
  5. In the adjacent Value field, enter:
  6. transmpriority=0

Transmission Priority 0 = constant bit rate
Transmission Priority 1 = images will be transmitted with the frame rate selected

By default, Symphony uses a Value of 1.

manual configuration editor

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