Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: Troubleshooting
Product: Symphony
Product Version:
Component: Symphony Client
Device Brands:
Created: 25-Jul-2012 9:16:28 AM
Last Updated:

Logs for a Client-only installation are not in the folder that %WINUSER% is pointing to


Logs for a client only install are not going to the folder that %WINUSER% should be pointing to


User is unaware that Symphony Server was previously installed on the machine designated for a Client-only installation.

For example, AI_LOGS was set to \Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Aimetis prior to Client Installation and the Client installer did not change it.

How Logs Location Determined

  • View> Settings> Global does NOT control the location for logs.
  • Client logs location is set by the AI_LOGS environment variable. If not found then Symphony Client writes the logs to %APPDATA%\Aimetis\ai_logs.
  • The Client Installer itself does not set the AI_LOGS environment variable; however, Setup Wizard reads and sets AI_LOGS if the user changes it in the Server Configuration tab of the SetUp Wizard.

In the case of a Client-only Installation

In a Client-only installation, the Setup Wizard is NOT launched. This means that AI_LOGS remains unchanged (that is, if it does not exist on the machine it will not be created). As such, the Client will write logs to %APPDATA%\Aimetis\ai_logs.

Solution: How to Change Location of Logs

To properly unset the environment variable in the system, so that new processes inherit this change:

  1. In Windows, open the Control Panel.
  2. Select System->Advanced System Settings>Environment Variables>System Variables.
  3. Modify or remove the environment variable.

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