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Product Version:
Symphony Server
Device Brands:
19-Dec-2012 2:55:35 PM
Last Updated:
SQL connectivity issue - OSQL can connect, but DBUpdater cannot
Issue OSQL can connect, but DBUpdater cannot Reason The OleDB uses named pipes instead of TCP. Solution Change the connection string solved the issue. Old connection string:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog=.aira3;Data Source=dev-greg\Senstar;User ID=sa;Password=;
New connection string:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog=.aira3;Data Source=tcp:dev-greg,1433;User ID=sa;Password=;
The difference is in the Data Source argument. It’s of the form tcp:host,port. SQL server runs on the default port of 1433, but if you’re using a different instance, it could be on a different port. - Run netstat on the SQL server to find out.
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