Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: Error Message
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 6.9
Device Brands:
Created: 16-Jan-2013 2:30:06 PM
Last Updated:

Problems when upgrading from 6.2 to 6.9.5

Issue 1

When upgrading from 6.2 to 6.9.5, you find the following error in your logs:

<Error   > System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException: Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values

Solution 1: Delete all map images

  1. Enter the following command.
  2. Dbupdater "delete from MapImage"
  3. Run the installer again.

Solution 2: Delete specific maps where BinaryData is Null

  1. Get a list of all maps that will be deleted:
  2. Dbupdater "select * from MapImage where BinaryData is NULL"
  3. Delete the maps:
  4. Dbupdater "delete from MapImage where BinaryData is NULL"
  5. Run the installer again.

Issue 2

When upgrading from 6.2 to 6.9.5, you find the following error in your logs:

Upgrade failed: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added


IMPORTANT: Running the following commands will delete a lot of data from the database that cannot be recovered.

  • If the system is currently running 6.5 (or newer) the effects will be DRASTIC.
  • If the system is running 6.2, then the result will be reasonably acceptable and the upgrade will fix it.
  1. Enter the following commands:
  2. Dbupdater "delete from Device"
    Dbupdater "delete from DeviceGroup"
    Dbupdater "delete from DeviceGroupToDeviceGroup"
    Dbupdater "delete from DeviceToDeviceGroup"
    Dbupdater "delete from RightPermission"
    Dbupdater "delete from SecurityObject"
    Dbupdater "delete from SecurityProfile"
    Dbupdater "delete from SecurityRight"
    Dbupdater "delete from SecurityToken"
    Dbupdater "delete from UserGroup"
    Dbupdater "delete from UserGroupToUserGroup"
    Dbupdater "delete from UserToUserGroup"
  3. Run the installer again.

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