Article Type:
Undocumented Settings
Product Version:
Symphony Client
Device Brands:
25-Jan-2013 10:54:51 AM
Last Updated:
Setting the language for SMTP Messages
If your Operating System has been installed in a language different than the language defined on Symphony Server, the emails sent by the SMTP service as part of an alarm action will still use the Operating System’s language. To match the language used by Symphony you must create an acc.ini file and specify a UserLanguage parameter. 1. Create an acc.ini file with the following parameters: Where XX refers to the language set on Symphony · en = English · fr = French · de = German · es = Spanish 2. Save the file in the following path. The folder Aimetis must be created before saving the file acc.ini in this location. Windows XP or Windows 2003: C:\Document and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Aimetis On 64 bit Windows 7 the file should be at: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Aimetis On 32 bit Windows 7 the file should be at: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Aimetis 3. In Symphony, restart Symphony Services. From the Server menu, select Services, and then Restart Symphony Services. Note: The test email will not be translated, only the alarm messages generated by Symphony Server.
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