Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version:
Component: Symphony Client
Device Brands:
Created: 19-Apr-2013 9:18:42 AM
Last Updated:

How to set an alarm link in an email to an external IP address

The following applies to Symphony version 6.9 and later.

To use an external IP address for links in alarm emails, add the following setting to Symphony:

  1. From the Server menu, select Manual Configuration Editor.The Server Configuration dialog box opens.
  2. Click Add a new setting... in the first row to activate the cells.
  3. In the blank field under the Type, Section, Key, and Value columns, enter:
  4. Type: Global
    ID: <empty>
    Section: Main
    Key: ExternalIP
    Value: <IP address>
  5. Click OK. (Verify that the setting has been added.)
  6. Click Close.
  7. Restart Symphony.

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