Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 7.0
Component: Analytics Engine
Device Brands:
Created: 9-Jan-2014 11:03:26 AM
Last Updated:

How to enable the color detection feature in the VE180 analytic engine

Senstar Symphony 6.12

  1. Edit the %appdata%\Aimetis\acc.inifile.
  2. Under the [Main] section, add the following line.
  3. ExtraVE180EngineConfigurationParams=True
  4. Save the acc.ini file and restart Symphony Client for the changes to take effect.

Senstar Symphony 7.x and later 

 In the Manual Configuration Editor, add the following value:

Type: Global
Section: Features
Key: ColorDetection
Value: True

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