Article Type:
How To
Product Version:
Symphony Server
Device Brands:
13-Jan-2014 4:21:01 PM
Last Updated:
How to loop a .aira file on all trackers in Symphony instead of using video from a camera
Save the .aira video file that you want to loop to c:\video. Note: To avoid issues, do not locate the video file on the same drive as the Symphony storage. For a Single Camera Add an entry to the database telling Symphony to use the looping input video file. Replace the 5000 in the following command with the camera ID: dbupdater "insert into settings (Type,ID,Section,K,V) values('Camera',<camera_id>,'Camera','LoopFile','c:\video\<video_file_name>.aira')" Where camera_id is the ID of the camera and video_file_name is the name of the .aira video file.
For a Server Farm Complete the following steps for each server in the farm: - Get a list of the servers in your farm by running the following at a command prompt:
dbupdater "select id from servers" - For each server ID in the farm, add an entry to the database telling Symphony to use the looping input video file.
dbupdater "insert into settings (Type,ID,Section,K,V) values('Server',<server_id>,'Main','LoopFile','c:\video\<video_file_name>.aira')" Where server_id is the ID of the Symphony Server and video_file_name is the name of the .aira video file.
Your trackers should now all be reading the .aira video file and looping it through tracker instead of trying to connect to a camera.- Run the following command to see how many frames each tracker is processing:
printshmem c
Note: For the changes to take effect on Symphony Server 7.0 and later, run the killall r command.
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