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9-Apr-2014 9:10:56 AM
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Heat Map Image Reports table data
If you have an existing Heat Map Report from a Senstar Symphony release prior to 6.10.1, you will notice new report data when you upgrade to a later version of Symphony. Prior to Symphony release 6.10.1, the Heat Map Image Report included the following columns of table data for each time interval: Column Heading | Details |
New Object Count | The number of objects detected within the heat map zone | Avg. Dwell Time (sec) | The average time that the objects counted were in the heat map zone | Occupancy (sec) | The New Object Count value multiplied by the Avg. Dwell Time value | Activity % | The average percentage of pixels in motion within the heat map zone |

As of Symphony release 6.10.1 and later, the Heat Map Image report data is broken down by count and average time against a Dwell Threshold value for aggregated or individual time intervals: Column Heading | Details |
Below x sec. (Count) | The number of objects detected within the heat map zone for less than the dwell threshold | Above x sec. (Count) | The number of objects detected within the heat map zone for more than the dwell threshold | Below x sec. (Avg Time) | The average length of time objects were detected within the heat map zone for less than the dwell threshold | Above x sec. (Avg Time) | The average length of time objects were detected within the heat map zone for more than the dwell threshold |
Note: The Dwell Threshold value is configured as part of the Heat Map report’s sensitivity parameters. 
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