Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 6.10
Component: Reports
Device Brands:
Created: 9-Apr-2014 9:10:56 AM
Last Updated:

Heat Map Image Reports table data

If you have an existing Heat Map Report from a Senstar Symphony release prior to 6.10.1, you will notice new report data when you upgrade to a later version of Symphony.

Prior to Symphony release 6.10.1, the Heat Map Image Report included the following columns of table data for each time interval:

Column HeadingDetails
New Object CountThe number of objects detected within the heat map zone
Avg. Dwell Time (sec)The average time that the objects counted were in the heat map zone
Occupancy (sec)The New Object Count value multiplied by the Avg. Dwell Time value
Activity %The average percentage of pixels in motion within the heat map zone

Heat Map Image Report Prior to Release 6.10.1


As of Symphony release 6.10.1 and later, the Heat Map Image report data is broken down by count and average time against a Dwell Threshold value for aggregated or individual time intervals:

Column HeadingDetails
Below x sec. (Count)The number of objects detected within the heat map zone for less than the dwell threshold
Above x sec. (Count)The number of objects detected within the heat map zone for more than the dwell threshold
Below x sec. (Avg Time)The average length of time objects were detected within the heat map zone for less than the dwell threshold
Above x sec. (Avg Time)The average length of time objects were detected within the heat map zone for more than the dwell threshold

Note: The Dwell Threshold value is configured as part of the Heat Map report’s sensitivity parameters.

Heat Map Image Reports in Release 6.10.1 and Later

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