Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: E-Series Physical Security Applicance
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Created: 2-Sep-2014 2:41:57 PM
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How to create Factory Recovery USB sticks for E-Series PSAs

Senstar E5000, E4000, E7000 and E3200 POE Series Physical Security Appliances include a USB stick that can be used to restore the appliance to factory default settings. If that USB stick is lost or damaged, follow these steps to create a new one.


  • USB memory stick with the capacity mentioned below - all content will be erased
  • Windows computer
  • Any E5000, E4000 or E7000 Series PSA or an E3200 Series PSA serial number ending in 0000611 or higher


Download the appropriate USB stick image for your device:

  • E5000 Series

    Version USB Stick Size Instructions Download
    Symphony 16 to 32 GB Guide USB Stick Image
  • E4000 Series

    Version Compatibility USB Stick Size Instructions Download
    Symphony 7.0 Units with serial numbers ending in 3447 and up, or older units with upgraded Symphony licenses. 8 to 32 GB Guide USB Stick Image
    Symphony 6.14 Units with serial numbers ending in 3446 or lower. 8 to 32 GB See below USB Stick Image
    USB Stick Patch *

    * Apply the patch to the USB stick after extracting the image to it.

  • E7000 Series

    Follow the instructions found at the end of this article.

    Version Compatibility USB Stick Size Instructions Download
    Symphony 6.14 Units with serial numbers ending in 2646 and up, or older units with upgraded Symphony licenses.
    Only units with serial numbers ending in 3437 and up need the patch.
    4 to 32 GB See below USB Stick Image
    USB Stick Patch *
    Symphony 6.12 Units with serial numbers ending in 1446 through 2645, or older units with upgraded Symphony licenses. 4 to 32 GB See below USB Stick Image
    Symphony 6.9 Units with serial numbers ending in 1445 or lower. 4 to 32 GB See below USB Stick Image

    * Apply the patch to the USB stick after extracting the image to it.

  • E3200 POE Series - Serial numbers starting with 32051 or 32101

    Follow the instructions found at the end of this article.

    Version Compatibility USB Stick Size Instructions Download
    Symphony 6.14 Units with serial numbers ending in 2046 and up, or older units with upgraded Symphony licenses. See below 4 to 32 GB USB Stick Image
    Symphony 6.12 Units with serial numbers ending in 1596 through 2045, or older units with upgraded Symphony licenses. 4 to 32 GB See below USB Stick Image
    Symphony 6.9 Units with serial numbers ending in 1595 or lower. 4 to 32 GB See below USB Stick Image
  • E3200 Series - Serial numbers starting with 32050 or 32100

    Not supported. Attempting to use a recovery stick with the original E3200 series will make the unit unbootable.


Symphony 6 Imaging Instructions

  1. Format the USB stick using FAT or FAT32. This will erase all contents.
  2. Extract the zip archive you download to the USB stick
  3. If you downloaded a patch for the USB stick, extract it to the USB stick
  4. Make the USB stick bootable by running these commands from a command line. Replace 'x' with the drive letter of the USB stick:
    syslinux.exe -m -a x:
  5. Validate the USB stick contents by running filecheckmd5.exe from the USB stick.
  6. You are now ready to perform a factory recover using the instructions provided with your appliance and also found here (PDF).

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