Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: Troubleshooting
Product: E-Series Physical Security Applicance
Product Version:
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Created: 20-Nov-2014 1:44:47 PM
Last Updated:

How to recover space on the PSA OS drive


When manually running the Symphony Installer an Out of Disk Space message is generated.


Unable to upgrade the Physical Security Appliance (PSA) using the Web Client.


  1. Run Disk Cleanup from the Start menu.
  2. Use an elevated command prompt to clean the .LDF log file.
  3. dbupdater "DBCC SHRINKFILE (aira_log,1)"
  4. Use an elevated command prompt to turn off logging by switching recovery to SIMPLE.
  6. Or:

    1. Ensure that all Symphony AI services are stopped.
    2. Ensure that the Senstar PSA service is stopped.
    3. Ensure that the SNMP service is stopped.
    4. In Windows, select Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables.
    5. Change both the TEMP and TMP variables to use D:\ (ex:\ D:\Temp\).
    6. If required, create the following directory: D:\Program Files\Senstar.
    7. Move the C:\Program Files\Senstar\ directory to the D:\Program Files\Senstar\ directory.
    8. Using an elevated command prompt create a symbolic link from the C:\Program Files\Senstar\ directory to the D:\Program Files\Senstar\ directory by entering:
    9. mklink /d "C:\Program Files\Senstar" "D:\Program Files\Senstar"

    10. Reinstall Symphony.

    NOTE: It is safe to ignore all space warnings.

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