Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
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Created: 8-Jan-2015 4:42:16 PM
Last Updated:

How to configure multicast for an ONVIF camera

To configure an ONVIF camera to use multicast, perform one of the following tasks:

  • Log into the camera Web page and configure the camera to use multicast.
  • If you cannot configure the camera to use multicast on the camera Web page, add the following values to the manual configuration editor in the Symphony Client interface:

    Type: Camera
    Section: Camera
    ID: camera_id
    Section: Features
    Key: dev_options
    Value: MulticastIPstream_number=multicast_ip; MulticastPortstream_number=multicast_port; AudioMulticastPortstream_number=audio_port; MetadataMulticastPortstream_number=metadata_port

    Where camera_id is the camera ID number, stream_number is the camera video stream, multicast_ip is the IP address that the camera uses for multicast, multicast_port is the port that the camera uses for multicast, audio_port is the port that the camera uses for multicast audio, and metadata_port is the port that the camera uses for multicast metadata.

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