Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Embedded Outdoor Object Tracker
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Created: 21-Jul-2015 3:08:49 PM
Last Updated:

How to ignore small objects when using the Senstar Outdoor Object Tracker (AOOT)


Occasionally you want to ignore small objects in a video like rabbits, dogs, or cats near a fence.


You need to manually add a tag in the VE500 XML in Symphony.

  1. In Symphony, from the Server menu, selection Configuration.
  2. Select the camera using the Senstar Outdoor Object Tracker, which will be VE500.
  3. Select the Analytics Configuration tab and click Show XML View.

Select the Show XML View button

Set the correct XML tags:

Find the BlobTracking tag

You can change minimum object size OR ignore objects smaller than a percentage of an average person size.

A)      Between the <BlobTracking> </BlobTracking> code, set the minimum object size as follows. In this example everything less than 10x10 pixels is ignored.


B)     Between the <BlobTracking> </BlobTracking> code, set the percentage of size so that an object that is smaller than a percentage of an average person size will be ignored. In this example everything less than 20% of a person size is ignored.




To use both minimum size and percentage:





Click OK to save the tags.



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