Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: Troubleshooting
Product: Thin Client
Product Version:
Component: Setup
Device Brands:
Created: 13-Oct-2015 1:48:45 PM
Last Updated:

Cannot Log into Thin Client Using Chinese Characters

Applies to Thin Client v2.0.0 and 2.0.1



User tries but fails to log into Thin Client using Chinese characters in username or password.


To set up your Thin Client so that users can log into the Thin Client using Chinese characters, you must modify Thin Client settings using the script.

  1. Enable SSH in Thin Client and log into SSH using PuTTy (Windows) or SSH (Linux).
  2. Run the following command:
  3. >/ MBCodepage 936
  4. Note: If 936 (Simplified Chinese) does not work, try 950 (Traditional Chinese) >/ MBCodepage 950
  5. Run the following command:
  6. >/ MBCodepage

Note: To ensure settings are updated, it should print to screen, MBCodepage|936 or MBCodepage|950

If you run Mobile Bridge version 2.1.6 or newer, the code page is printed on start. Search for "Current encoding" in Mobile Bridge log:

Current encoding: xxxxx codepage: yyyyy

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