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Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
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Created: 28-Oct-2015 10:21:38 AM
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SMTP on Various Windows Operating Systems, Incluidng Windows 7 and Vista

Configuring your mail server allows your Symphony server to send email notifications when events happen. Symphony may send emails as a result of Rule (Action) configuration or Subscriptions. Symphony will relay email via an email server defined in the Subscriptions page.

Internal SMTP Server

Allow Symphony server to relay email through itself using Microsoft SMTP server.

Task 1:  Install IIS on the server

Follow the instructions at one of the following:

•        How to obtain versions of Internet Information Server (IIS)


Task 2:  Add SMTP Server:

1.      Start the Server Manager MMC.

2.      In the Features section, click Add Features.

3.      Select SMTP Server.

Task 3:  Configure the mail server

1.      From the Windows Control Panel, double- click on the Administrative Tools icon.

2.      Double-click on the Internet Information Services icon.

•        If this is not installed:

a.      Go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, and select Add/Remove Windows Components.

b.      Scroll to Internet Information Services, click Details, and add SMTP service.

3.      Expand the tree. Right-click on Default SMTP Virtual Server and select Start if it is enabled.

4.      Right-click on Default SMTP Virtual Server and select Properties.

5.      Click the Access tab and then click Connection.

6.      Select the Only the list below option and click Add.

7.      Select the Single computer option and enter as the IP address.

8.      Click OK to close the Computer dialog box and click OK to close the Connection dialog box.

9.      Click the Relay... button.

10.  Select the Only the list below option and click Add.

11.  Select the Single computer option and enter as the IP address.

12.  Click OK to close the Computer dialog box.

13.  Clear the Allow all computers that successfully authenticate to relay check box.

14.  Click OK to close the Relay Restrictions dialog box. 

External SMTP Server

If an external SMTP server is used for Symphony email relaying, specify this address in the Subscriptions SMTP field. Please note the connection to the SMTP service is not authenticated. Ensure that the SMTP server allows for unauthenticated connections from the Symphony server IP address.

Important: Windows 7 and Vista - SMTP not included

SMTP is NOT included in Vista or Windows 7. The IIS 6.0 Manager shipped with Windows 7 is not aimed for IIS 7.5 Management. To manage IIS 7.5/FTP 7.5 shipped with Windows 7, you must use IIS 7 Manager.

How to obtain versions of Internet Information Server (IIS)

You have three options if you want SMTP support, so Symphony can email directly from the server:

•       Use a server operating system and you then use the Microsoft supplied SMTP server.

•       Use Windows 7 but use an external email gateway. For example, if the Symphony server is on the office LAN with a local email server, Symphony can relay through that server.

•       Install a 3rd party SMTP server that works with Windows 7.

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