Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 6.14
Component: Symphony Client
Device Brands:
Created: 4-Dec-2015 11:49:08 AM
Last Updated:

How to add customized buttons to Symphony

Important: Button images and files you will need to run are accessed here:

Task 1: Configure the acc.ini file in your product folder

acc.ini file example

  1. Close Symphony Client application.
  2. Open the acc.ini file: %appdata%\Aimetis.
  3. Edit the file  acc.ini as follows:
  4. Below the [Main] section add the parameter ShowBrowser=true.
  5. Save the file.

Task 2: Create an html page of buttons

  1. Design a website “buttons.html” with your customized buttons.
  2. Save all files (html and button images) in one folder. For exmaple, C:\Tools.

Note: If you buttons website contains links that require submitting usernames and passwords as in the following example:
<a href="http://admin:password@>, then you must enable this feature in your registry.

  1. Dowload and run the “IE_send_password.reg” file to enable the feature. File is here:
  2. If this fails, see

Task 3: Set Up Symphony to display your buttons in the toolbar

manual configuration editor

  1. Start Symphony Client.
  2. From the Server menu, select Manual Configuration Editor. The Server Configuration dialog box appears.
  3. At the top, click the Add a new setting...area. The Type, ID, Section, Key, and Value fields appear.
  4. Enter the following:
  5. Type=Global




  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click Close.
  8. Restart Symphony Client.

Task 4: Activate the browser panel in Symphony

  • In Symphony Client, click to the new i icon in the toolbar.

"i" icon in toolbar

If your website contains scripts, that is, JavaScripts as in the following example:<img src="pics/button1.png" border="0" onclick="javascript:launch('test.bat')"></img> and you click a button, typically a Security Message from your browser is displayed. You are asked whether to allow scripts on this page. You can remove this message.

To remove the security message:

  1. Run regedit.exe.
  2. Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\0
  3. Right-click on the page and select DWORD (32-bit).
  4. Add the following values:

Name: 1201


Data: 0x00000000


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