Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version:
Component: Symphony Server
Device Brands:
Created: 10-Feb-2016 3:43:25 PM
Last Updated:

Farm redundancy settings

The following are the configurable farm redundancy settings.

FarmHealthStartDelayMsThis setting is how long (in milliseconds) that the Symphony Server waits after server startup before monitoring the Symphony Servers (buddy servers) in the farm.

This setting is the timeout (in milliseconds) for the UDP socket. Symphony uses UDP sockets to receive Alive messages from Symphony Servers (buddy servers) in the farm. Every server uses this timeout.

You should not have to change this.


This setting is the amount of time (in milliseconds) that a Symphony Server can be down before it is determined down and failover occurs.

You might want to set this to several minutes to allow a Windows update reboot.


This is the port that Symphony uses for UDP messages.

Only change this setting if failover is not working and the infoservice log files indicate that there are port conflicts.

These settings are not in the database by default. To add them, use the following commands. The last parameter is the default used. You can also use the Manual Configuration Editor to set these values.

dbupdater "insert into Settings (Type,ID,Section,K,V) values ('Global','','Main','FarmHealthStartDelayMs',      '5000')"

dbupdater "insert into Settings (Type,ID,Section,K,V) values ('Global','','Main','FarmHealthSockTimeoutMs',  '1500')"

dbupdater "insert into Settings (Type,ID,Section,K,V) values ('Global','','Main','FarmHealthMissedUdpMs',   '30000')"

dbupdater "insert into Settings (Type,ID,Section,K,V) values ('Global','','Main','FarmHealthUdpPort',           '5045')"

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