Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: Undocumented Settings
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 7.0
Component: Symphony Server
Device Brands:
Created: 19-Feb-2016 2:28:33 PM
Last Updated:

Network configuration for Senstar Symphony

Single-server network configuration

80TCPHTTP web server that forwards to HTTPS on port 443 for server configuration
443TCPHTTPS secure web server for server configuration
8433TCPMobile Bridge (mobile listening port)
8488TCPMobile Bridge (video proxy listening port)
50000TCPHTTP web server for the web client
50001TCPWeb service (control and notification port)
50010TCPRTSP live and historical video
50014TCPHTTPS secure web server for the web client (if configured)

Server farm network configuration

80TCPHTTP web server that forwards to HTTPS on port 443 for server configuration
443TCPHTTPS secure web server for server configuration
1433TCPOutbound rule for SQL server on the SQL server firewall
1434UDPPort for SQL communication
5045UDPPort for health checks
8433TCPMobile Bridge (mobile listening port)
8488TCPMobile Bridge (video proxy listening port)
50000TCPHTTP web server for the web client
50001TCPWeb service (control and notification port)
50004TCPPort for server sub-services
50010TCPRTSP live and historical video
50014TCPHTTPS secure web server for the web client (if configured)

Additional network configuration

5041TCPAccess control
50002TCPSSO authentication requests
50005TCPVideo wall
50015TCPSSO authentication requests and cryptography

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