Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version:
Component: Symphony Server
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Created: 2-Aug-2016 2:12:55 PM
Last Updated:

How to configure NFS storage for Symphony

Configure NFS storage for Symphony

  1. Create an NFS storage share on your Unix system (ex:\ FreeNAS).
  2. Create the same username/password on Windows and the Unix system if you are not using Active Directory.
  3. Add the Symphony server's IP address to the Unix system's list of "Authorized Networks".
  4. Install the Windows NFS Client on the Symphony server. This is different depending on the version of Windows you are running:

    Windows 7/8

    (Control panel -> Program and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off -> Services for NFS -> check both “Administrative Tools” and “Client for NFS”


    Windows Server 2008 R2 / Server 2012

    Server manager ->Add roles -> files services -> Windows Network File System (NFS)

  5. Set the Symphony services to login as the user created above as per KBs:
  6. Add NFS user system to Windows (Administrative Tools -> Services for Network File Systems (NFS-Services for NFS ->  then, right click and choose properties -> set user mapping to Unix server's IP for Name mapping.


  7. Set Symphony to store to the NFS path by adding it as a UNC path (ex:\\mnt\Senstar-NFS\SymphonyNFS)


  8. Check in Windows that there are “_footagearchive” and “_signals” folders in the share and verify “_footagearchive“ files are increasing in size.



If Symphony cannot connect to the storage path, then it will tell you with a "failed to write" error. Check you permissions or enable anonymous access to the share.


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