Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: Troubleshooting
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 7.0
Component: Symphony Client
Device Brands:
Created: 21-Nov-2016 4:00:51 PM
Last Updated:

VIdeo does not fill the video panel


Video does not fill the video panel. It appears as a smaller window in the top left of the video panel.


Perform one of the following tasks.

Disable display scaling:

  1. Right-click the Symphony Client icon.
  2. Click the Compatibility tab.
  3. Select Disable display scaling on high DPI settings.
  4. Click Apply.

Change the UseOPX setting:

  1. Stop the Symphony Client.
  2. Edit the %appdata%\Senstar\acc.ini file.
  3. Under the [VideoRecvCtrl] section, add UseOPX=False or change the default setting UseOPX=True to UseOPX=False.
  4. Save the acc.ini file and restart the Symphony Client for the changes to take effect.

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