Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 7.0
Component: Symphony Server
Device Brands:
Created: 14-Jul-2017 12:54:16 PM
Last Updated:

Convert video files in Symphony 7.0

You can convert video files that you export from Symphony into an MPEG files using the seer2mpeg and foot2mpeg utilities. The seer2mpeg utility is in the _bin folder and the foot2mpeg utility is in the _tools folder.

To convert a video file:

  1. Export the video.
  2. (Optional) Rename the exported video file.
  3. Open a command prompt as administrator and navigate to the location of the exported video file.
  4. Type
    seer2mpeg file_name decorations speed 
    file_name is the name of the exported video file
    decorations are the decorations to add to the video (1 = boxes, 2 = messages, 4 = time, 8 = path, 16 = thick text, 64 = date, 128 = logo, or a sum of multiple values to include multiple decorations)
    speed is the speed of the video (2 = 50% video speed, 1.0 = 100% video speed, and 0.5 = 200% video speed).
  5. Press Enter.


seer2mpeg videofile.aira 15 1 

To convert multiple footage files:

  1. Open a command prompt as administrator and navigate to the location of the footage files.
  2. Type
    foot2mpeg footage_folder destination_folder number_of_days decorations  
    footage_folder is the name of the folder that contains the footage files
    destination_folder is the destination for the video files
    number_of_days is the number of days before today at which to start the conversion
    decorations are the decorations to add to the video (1 = boxes, 2 = messages, 4 = time, 8 = path, 16 = thick text, 64 = date, 128 = logo, or a sum of multiple values to include multiple decorations)
  3. Press Enter.

Note: To convert a lot of footage, considering copying the .dat and .dat.idx files for the footage to a new folder and run the foot2mpeg utility on the folder.


foot2mpeg c:\videoconversion c:\videoconversion 99 0 

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