Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version:
Component: SDK
Device Brands:
Created: 23-Feb-2018 12:23:49 PM
Last Updated:

Use the SwitchVideo sample application in the Symphony SDK

You can use the SwitchVideo sample application (SwitchVideo.exe) in the Symphony SDK to open the Symphony Client and display video from a camera.

Usage examples

  • SwitchVideo.exe -s10.234.8.30 -uadmin -padmin -mlive -c1 -g1
  • SwitchVideo.exe -s10.234.8.30 -uadmin -padmin -mplayback -c1 -d01012017 -b080000 -o01012017 -e082959

Live video parameters

-sServer name/IP address
-mMode (Live)
-cCamera Id
-gCamera Preset Number (optional)

Historical video parameters

-sServer name/IP address
-mMode (Playback)
-cCamera Id
-dPlayback start date (formatted as MMDDYYYY)
-bPlayback start time (formatted as HHMMSS)
-oPlayback end date (formatted as MMDDYYYY)
-ePlayback end time (formatted as HHMMSS)


  1. The user must have video wall permissions.
  2. The Client where the panel switch is to occur must be registered as a video wall client. To register the Client, click Settings > Video Wall >Video Wall Client Configuration > Register current Client.
  3. There must be a panel called Remote Panel. To get/set the panel name in the Client, right-click on a camera panel and click Settings > Child.

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