Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 7.1
Component: Symphony Web Client
Device Brands:
Created: 18-Jul-2018 10:14:18 PM
Last Updated:

Run a report from the command line

You can run reports from the Report Desinger using a command in the command line. You can manually run reports in this way, but you can also schedule and run multiple reports using scripting if you do not want to use the functionality in the Report Designer.

  1. Record the ID of the report.
    1. Log in to the Symphony Web Client.
    2. Click Reports.
    3. Select the report that you want to run from the command line and click Edit.
    4. The report ID is in the URL for the page. For example, the link indicates a report ID of 4.
  2. Open the command prompt as an administrator.
  3. Type

    curl -L --output filename.extension "http://server_address:50000/Reports/ReportOutput.aspx?username=username&password=password&report=report_ID&format=format"

    • filename is the name of the file to which you save the report
    • extension is the file extension
    • server_address is the IP address of the Symphony Server.
    • username is your Symphony username
    • password is your Symphony password
    • report_ID is the ID of the report (from step 1)
    • format is the format as which to save the report (XLS, CSV, PDF, or RTF)

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