Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 7.1
Component: Symphony Server
Device Brands:
Created: 11-Dec-2018 11:04:23 AM
Last Updated:

Add a Mobotix multi-lens camera to Symphony

You can add a Mobotix multi-lens camera as a video encoder or as a single camera.

To add a Mobotix multi-lens camera to Symphony as an encoder, complete the following steps:

  1. In the server configuration interface, click Devices > Cameras > Add Cameras.
  2. Click Add Camera Manually.
  3. Type the IP address, select the Mobotix as driver, and type the credentials for the camera.
  4. Click Connect.

Symphony adds the camera as an encoder and adds each lens as a camera. This allows you to show each lens in a camera view panel in the Symphony Client.

To add a Mobotix multi-lens camera to Symphony as a single camera, complete the following steps:

  1. In the server configuration interface, click Devices > Cameras > Add Cameras.
  2. Click Add Camera Manually.
  3. Type the IP address, select the Mobotix as driver, and type the credentials for the camera.
  4. Click the down arrow on the Connect button and click Add without connecting.
  5. Select Fixed Camera and click Add Camera.
  6. Click Next.
  7. On the Add Cameras page, complete the following steps:
    1. In the Camera Name field, type a name for the camera.
    2. In the Template field, select <No Template>.
    3. In the Group field, select the group to which the camera belongs.
    4. In the Add-On field, select the video analytic for the camera.
    5. In the Server field, select the server that connects to the camera.
    6. Click Add 1 Selected Camera.

Symphony adds the camera as a single camera.

Senstar recommends that you disable push settings for Mobotix multi-lens cameras. To disable push settings, complete the following steps:

  1. In the client interface, click Server Configuration > Manual Configuration Editor.
  2. Expand the Type:Camera list.
  3. Expand the list for the camera ID.
  4. In the line for the dev_options key, click the + in the Value cell.
  5. Set the changecamerasettings value to False.
  6. In the line for the dev_options key, click the + in the Value cell.
  7. Click OK.

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