Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 7.1
Component: Symphony Server
Device Brands: Axis
Created: 14-Feb-2019 2:30:41 PM
Last Updated:

Configure HTTPS for Axis cameras

To use an HTTPS connection between Axis cameras and the Symphony Server, complete the following tasks:

  1. Log in to the camera Web page.
  2. Create a new self-signed certificate on the Axis camera (Setup > System Options > Security > Certificates or Settings > System > Security > Certificates).
  3. Select the self-signed certificate and set the connection mode on the camera to ONLY HTTPS for admin/user/viewer (Setup > System Options > Security > HTTPS or Settings > System > Security > HTTPS and HTTP).
  4. On the Symphony Server, start Internet Explorer as system using psexec.exe.
    1. Download the PSTools from Microsoft.
    2. Run

      psexec.exe -i -s "C:\Program Files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe

  5. In Internet Explorer, view certificates.
  6. Install the self-signed certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
  7. In the manual configuration editor of the Symphony Client, set VerifyPeer = 0 for each Symphony Server (Type=Server, Section=HTTPS, ID=server_id, Key=VerifyPeer, Value=0, where server_id is the ID of the Symphony Server).
  8. Restart the Infoservice service on each Symphony Server.
  9. Add the camera manually using automatic detection.
  10. Set the camera transport to HTTPS.
  11. In the manual configuration editor of the Symphony Client, set VerifyPeer = 0 for the camera (Camera, Camera, ID, dev_options, VerifyPeer=0).
  12. Restart the Tracker service for the camera.
  13. Verify that live video from the camera works as expected.

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