Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: How To
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 6.13
Component: Symphony Server
Device Brands:
Created: 1-Oct-2019 3:56:31 PM
Last Updated:

How to modify the number of alarms

Previously, Symphony suppressed alarms if there were more than the ThrottleMax value (default 3) alarms for a single rule on a single camera in a single minute. You can adjust the ThrottleMax by adding the following setting to the database:

Server Main <ServerID> ThrottleMax <NewThrottleValue>

Now, there are two parameters: AlarmSuppressionSeconds (default 5, possible values 0 - 60) and AlarmSuppressionScreenPercent (default 30, possible values 0 - 100). You can set the AlarmSuppressionSecondsand AlarmSuppressionScreenPercent by adding the following setting to the database:

Server Main <ServerID> AlarmSuppressionSeconds <Value>
Server Main <ServerID> AlarmSuppressionScreenPercent <Value>


Camera Main <CameraID> AlarmSuppressionSeconds <Value>
Camera Main <CameraID> AlarmSuppressionScreenPercent <Value>


Global Main AlarmSuppressionSeconds <Value>
Global Main AlarmSuppressionScreenPercent <Value>

Symphony searches Camera, Server, and Global settings, in that order, before defaulting if no setting is found.

How they work:

ThrottleMax works the same as before. If there are too many alarms in a minute, additional alarms are ignored. In addition, if a new alarm is triggered and there was a previous alarm within the last AlarmSuppressionSeconds seconds, and within AlarmSuppressionScreenPercent in terms of distance, that alarm is also suppressed. This can reduce the number of alarms to be dealt with in cases where many objects enter the alarm region at the same time, or if a single object such as a large truck is incorrectly tracked as multiple separate objects.

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