Knowledge Base Article
Article Type: Troubleshooting
Product: Symphony
Product Version: 7.6
Component: Symphony Server
Device Brands:
Created: 29-Nov-2022 1:08:44 PM
Last Updated:

Importing old CSV files

To import a CSV file into Senstar Symphony Server 7.6.x, the CSV file must use the semi-colon (;) as the delimiter. Previous versions of the Symphony Server might use the comma (,) as the delimiter.

To change the delimiter from a comma (,) to a semi-colon (;), run the following command in a command prompt (as an administrator) on the computer that hosts the previous version of the Symphony Server before exporting cameras:

dbupdater "UPDATE Settings SET V = REPLACE(V, ',', ';') WHERE K='MaxDaysToStore' AND V IS NOT NULL"

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