Creating Map Hot Links

In large sites where you want to have more than one site map, you can layer maps by creating hot links. For example, one main map can contain hot links that open detailed maps of a particular area.

To create a map hot link:

1       From the View menu, select Map Navigation.

2       Scroll through the maps to select the one which will have hot links.

3       In the upper right corner of the Map dialog box, click Edit Maps. The Edit Maps dialog box opens.

4       Ensure that you have at least two maps to link. If not, follow To add a map.

5       Select a primary map on which you want to add a hot link.

6       Click the Map Links tab. A list of all maps is displayed. Select a map that will open when the user clicks on a hot link in the primary map:

        Select the map name and drag it onto the map. The link appears as a box on the map.

7       Right-click on the hot link box to display the context menu.

a.     To resize the box to cover a larger area, select Resize and then move your mouse.

       The box size decreases as you move your mouse pointer towards the box.

       The box size increases as you move your mouse away from the box.

       Left-click the mouse to accept a size.

b.      To change the color of the hot link box, select Change Color. The Color dialog box opens, displaying a range of colors.

c.  To change the opacity of the box, select Change Opacity and use the sliding scale to make the box more transparent or more opaque.

8       When the box is the right size, color, and opacity, click OK.

9       Test the link. Click on the hot box link in the primary map. The associated map should open.