Motion Detection

Use in indoor environments for motion detection only. Not for object detection or object count.

Although this Motion Detection analytic requires less CPU than other video engines, the video still needs to be decompressed in the server for analysis. As a result, the CPU savings are limited.

Note: For reliable tracking at the analysis resolution, an object must be at least 16 x 16 pixels in size.

Add Ons- Analytics and More



  1. Add a camera as per instructions in Device - Network (IP) Cameras or Video Servers.

  2. Select a license from the Analytic License Requested list and click Update License.

  3. In the Add Ons section, move the switch to ON for the analytic you want to use and click Configure. Configuration applies only to video analytics with settings that you can modify.

  4. Set or keep existing options in the Overview section.

  5. Define the area to be analyzed/ignored in the video for motion using the Processing Mask.

    1. Select either Analyze or Ignore and drag the mouse pointer over the image. Areas to be analyzed are in yellow. Areas to be ignored remove the yellow mask.

    2. For detailed masking, reduce the size of the mouse pointer by moving the Size slider.

  6. Define how sensitive the area is for motion by using the Grid View.

  7. Click Back and then Save in the main Devices > Cameras page.


Overview Options



Analysis Resolution

Resolution which is used to analyze frames. Normally this is lower than Capture Resolution to conserve CPU.

If you change the analysis resolution for a camera, you must update the rules that apply to the camera.

Analysis FPS

Frame rate at which the video engine analyzes frames. Can be set lower than the record frame rate.

Simple Mode

Set to ON by default. Switch OFF to display Advanced options. Advanced options are intended for system configurators and technical support staff. You can import, export, and view the XML file containing video analytic configuration settings.


Grid View Options



Minimum foreground fill (percent)

The scene is divided into a grid. This value specifies how much each grid square must change (in %) before activity is detected in this square.

Grid spacing (pixels)

Defines grid spacing as Rows and Columns.

Foreground sensitivity

Defines how sensitive the analytic should be to scene change. The more sensitive it is to change, the more likely the minimum foreground fill will detect activity in the grid space.