Move Cameras to Another Server

Occasionally you want to move cameras to another server. The method you use depends on whether the receiving server has zero (0) cameras or one or more cameras.

Set Up Devices


Move Cameras to Another Server Using Move To Server

If you have two servers and each server has one or more cameras/devices on it, use this method to move cameras.

  1. Ensure that you have more than one server in your farm for the Move to Server button to be visible.

  2. Log into the server. Click Devices > Cameras.

  3. Select camera. (Shift-click to select many cameras.)

  4. Click Move To Server.

  5. Select a server and click OK.


Move Cameras to Another Server Using Swap Servers

If you have one server with zero (0) cameras and one server with one or more cameras, use this method to move cameras.

Example Scenario: When a server goes down, cameras move to a redundant server. When the original server comes back online, and if all the cameras have moved, the original server is now the redundant server and there is no need to move the cameras back to the original server. However, if you want to move the cameras back to the original server you can use the Swap Servers functionality.

  1. Ensure that you have more than one server in your farm for the Swap Servers button to be visible.

  2. Log into the server. Click Settings > Servers.

  3. Select the formerly redundant server that now has all the cameras.

  4. Select the original server, which now has 0 cameras.

  5. Click Swap Servers.