Infinova - Integration
Supported by Symphony AC versions 8.9.22 and above. Please download the latest Infinova Client Viewer from our ftp site: Once installed and upgraded, please perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the Hardware Manager module of the Symphony AC software and Unlock the module.
- Select the Infinova Driver on the Hardware Tree and select the Viewer_Path property.
- Enter the path where you installed the Infinova Client Viewer (ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\INFINOVA\V3080)
- Click the Save button or press enter to save your changes.
- Expand the Infinova Driver to display the Controller item and select it.
- Set the Controller's 'User Name' and 'DVR Password' properties.
- Test to see if the client viewer gets called up correctly by either clicking on Live Video for a camera or selecting the Video Viewer Module.