Camera Tree

The Camera Tree is the default method of navigating between cameras. By default, all cameras are listed in order of camera ID. Each camera has a unique ID and is set automatically by the system as cameras are added. If the camera tree is not visible, from Symphony Client click View > Camera Tree.



The Camera Tree can be docked to the Main Console, or undocked and put to any monitor. To customize the Camera Tree, click Design.


The Camera Tree Configuration interface opens.





Drag cameras to the custom tree

These cameras can be dragged and dropped in the tree structure

Show Device Icons

This will enable or disable device icons in the tree

Show Device Numbers

Will enable or disable camera IDs


Will add a folder to the camera tree


Delete the current select object, either a camera or folder


The Device tree can be automatically generated and maintained from an external source. In this scenario, Symphony needs to query the source for changes in the camera tree structure.  Define the time interval to query the source in the Device Tree Synchronization combo box found in General Settings.