Customize Maps and Camera Tree Layout in Client Interface

This tab lets you customize how alarm icons appear on maps and the type of information displayed in the Camera Tree list.


Client Settings


How to Access

1.      Click the Settings icon and select Settings. The Symphony Client Settings dialog box opens with the Startup tab active.

2.      Click the Customize tab.




Flash when alarm occurs - Flashes for 10 seconds when a new alarm occurs; otherwise, remains invisible

Flash while alarms are unacknowledged - Otherwise, remains invisible. Once you have acknowledged all alarms (related to that rule), the rule disappears from the map

Always show rule icon

Default color - Select color and transparency


Device Tree


Show Device Icons

Show Device Numbers

Show Digital I/O

Auto Expand Entire Device Tree

Auto Expand Device root Notes

Don't Expand Device Tree

Auto Expand Camera Views

Don't Expand Camera Views