
Define what causes an alarm, such as motion detected, people loitering, door access, etc.




Delete Event



  1. In the Rules page, click Add Devices. Rules can be set up only if an analytic is running against a camera. Hover the mouse over the camera name. If the camera is not associated with an Add-On (analytic), a message indicates that you cannot add it to an event.

  2. Select one or more cameras, IO devices, and access control devices.

  3. Click OK. The devices you selected are listed. (Optional - To remove the camera from the list, hover over the camera name and click Remove.)

  4. Enter an identifiable name for the event in the Name field.

  5. For cameras, perform the following steps:

    1. Select and configure a video analytic that is active on the camera to trigger the event.
      The settings vary with the video analytic:

    1. If applicable, define the area to be analyzed/ignored in the video for motion using the processing mask.

  6. For IO devices and camera motion detection, perform the following steps:

    1. For input, select Input Ports, type the input module and port, and select whether the event triggers on activation or deactivation of the input.

    2. Select whether motion detection triggers an event.

    3. Select whether camera tampering triggers an event.

  7. For access devices, select access inputs that trigger the event in Symphony.

  8. Click Save.

  9. If you have more than one event for a camera, select whether Events must occur in sequence or within a time period of x seconds. (Events are listed in the sequence you created them. Hover over the event name and click the arrow icon to move or delete the event as necessary.)

  10. Continue with Action.


Crowd Detection

The event settings for Crowd Detection are visible when you select Crowd Detection as the video engine.

Alarm type

Select whether the event responds to capacity or occupancy.


Set the amount of time over which Crowd Detection averages values to reduce the number of false alarms.


Use the slider bar to define the values that trigger the event. Values that fall outside of the threshold trigger the event.


Indoor People Tracking Analytic Detection


Select whether one or all of the following will be tracked: People, Vehicles, Unknown (objects, e.g. animals)


Select the type of movement to alarm on:

Use Mask

Use Fences

Left-click on the image and draw a line that will cause people to be detected as they pass the delineated area. The line appears with arrows indicating the direction of moving objects to be detected.

Click on one of the arrows to remove it. The remaining arrow indicates the direction of movement in or out of the delineated area.

To switch the direction, click on the existing arrow. It disappears and a new arrow appears in the reverse direction.


Left or Removed Item Detection


Define the area to be analyzed/ignored in the scene where an object (either left behind or removed) should be detected. Objects that are left or removed outside the red alarm zone will not cause alarms.

Alarm based on percentage of object inside alarm mask - Indicate how much of the object should be in an alarm area for it to be detected. For example 75% of a knapsack in an area.

Alarm Size

Define the limits of the object to be detected - green box for smallest size and red box for largest size.


Outdoor People and Vehicle Tracking


PTZ Auto-Tracking

Important: For the PTZ Auto-Tracking rule, you will select one of the motion detection video analytics running on the camera.


Face Recognition


Delete Event

1.      Log into the server.

2.      Click Rules.

3.      Select an existing rule in the list and click Edit.

4.      Scroll down to Events.

5.      Hover your mouse over/near the Event title. Click the X that appears to delete that event.