
A rule generates alarms in Symphony. Alarms can occur as a result of an event (such as motion detected) or a signal from another device (such as a door access device). Rules can be set up only if some form of analytic is running against a camera.

By default, the following rules are configured:

       Camera Tamper

       Lost Camera Connection


Events Define what causes an alarm, such as motion detected, people loitering, door access, etc.

Action Defines what actions Symphony should take after the alarm is detected.

Action Sets

Schedule Defines when the alarm Rule is active.

Enable or Disable Alarms for Server


View a List of Rules

1.      Log into the server.

2.      Click Rules.

        Add - Create a new rule.

        Edit - Double-click the rule edit Properties, Events, Actions, and Schedule.

        Delete Selected - Delete an existing Rule. Select the rule on the list and click Delete Selected.

        Disable Selected - Temporarily disable rules instead of deleting them entirely. Select a rule on the list and click Disable Selected.

        Enable Selected - Enable any rules that have been disabled. Select a rule on the list and click Enable Selected.

Set Up Rules

1.      Log into the server. Click Rules.

2.      Click Add.

3.      Enter an appropriate and easily identifiable name for the Rule.

4.      Events. Select or edit an existing Event or click Add.  Rules can be set up only if an analytic is running against a camera. When adding cameras for events, hover the mouse over the camera name. If the camera is not associated with an Add-On (analytic), you will not be able to add it to an event. Ensure that your camera is associated with Add Ons (Video Analytics).

5.      Actions to take place because of the event. Select or edit an existing Active Action Set or click New Action Set. (Action Sets)

6.      Schedule. Select or edit an existing Active Schedule or click New Schedule.

7.      Click Save.