Heat Map Image

Generate a report on the number of objects that were in different areas of the image.


Create a Report


Create a Heat Map Image Report

1.      Click the Reports icon and then New Report.

2.      Enter a description for the report in the Name field.

3.      Under Report Type, select the Heat Map Image option.

4.      In the Cameras tab, click Add a Camera and then select one or more cameras from the list.

5.      In the Start & End tab, define the start and end time of the report.




Select whether to use a Relative time to execute the report or a specific date and time. For example, if this Report was saved with the intention of running it in the future, selecting a Relative start of 7 days would mean the report start time would be 7 days from each time the report is executed. Using a specific date and time is only useful if this report is intended to be run only once and not in the future.


If a Relative time was selected in the Start section, selecting Now would set the report time dynamically to the time the report was run. If a specific data and time was selected it is most likely that a specific date and time for the end of the report is appropriate.

Time of Day

Searching by Full Days will include all 24 hours in a day. In cases where a search should spend multiple days but only a certain period of time per say, Partial days should be selected. For example, we may search across 7 days but only 10:00 - 20:00 each day, to filter out results that happened outside of store hours.

Time Interval

Sums the total number of objects dwelling in a defined zone and calculates the average dwell times in the zone for that aggregated period.


For example, if the data is grouped into two hour segments, the report sums the total number of people occupying the zone and the average time those people dwelled in the zone for each two hour period.


Use this for: Aggregate dwell time on Heat Map Report

Allows you to collect data hourly (for example) to determine:

Example Scenario:

Collect data hourly on how many people were standing in the breakfast cereal aisle for more than 20 seconds and how long those people, on average, dwelled there.

Each block of time in the time range is collected and reported, regardless of whether there was anyone dwelling in the zone in that period.

To see the raw data for the heat map, select the None option in the Time Interval field.

The non-aggregated report is similar to the aggregated report in that it shares the same columns. Each row describes the value of a single object through a zone.


6.      The Sensitivity tab is enabled.  The Sensitivity information relates to the Heat Map View tab. In the Heat Map View tab, you select whether the Object Paths or the Object Dwell Time will be the default graphic shown when the report is finished.


Object Paths - view by number of objects that have passed through a location

Object Dwell Time – view by total amount of time objects spent at a location

Intersections - Points in the image which more than one path passed through

A range of colors is used to define how many paths passed through a point. This helps you see the most common paths for objects even in an area where there was at least one object at every point. BUT some areas of the image, which you are not interested in, may have an unusually low or high number of intersections. This can cause the range of colors used in other areas to be too small to see meaningful differences.

        Set Minimum Intersections to the bottom of the color range. Any area with fewer than this number of intersections will be hidden.

        Set Maximum Intersections to the top end of the color range. All areas with more than this number of intersections will be in the same color.

Dwell Time - Shows the paths that objects followed. Dwell time is the length of time an object was found at particular point. Color is used to show the length of dwell time. At points where more than one object passed, the color represents the average of the dwell time for all the objects. But some areas of the image, which you are not interested in, that have unusually low or high dwell time. This would correspond with unusually fast moving objects or almost motionless objects. This can cause the range of colors used in other areas to be too small to see meaningful differences.

        Set Minimum Dwell Time to set the bottom of the color range. Any point with an average dwell time less than this number will be hidden.

        Set Maximum Dwell Time to set the top end of the color range. All points with an average dwell time above this number will be in the same color.

Dwell Threshold - Allows you to set how many people were dwelling longer than a definable threshold.


7.      Select the format and create an email recipient list for the report in the Distribution > Email tab.

8.      Schedule when reports should be run including the time range of data, the recurrence, and schedule range.

9.      On the Table View tab, define which columns should be included in the report.

        Select the Column link and drag a column header into top header. This causes information to be grouped by the column category.

        By default, all available column are shown in the Table View unless manually removed.

10.  In the Heat Map View tab, define if the Object Paths or the Object Dwell Time will be the default graphic shown when the report is finished.

        Object Paths - view by number of objects that have passed through a location

        Object Dwell Time – view by total amount of time objects spent at a location

        Click Add Zone each time a specific area in the scene is to be included in the report.

        Click the Zone name, such as Zone 0 to edit the name of the box

        Click Update to save changes.

        (Optional) To delete a zone, click the zone name (for example, click on the name Zone 0) and click the Remove Zone button. 

Image size and selection

       If the image is too large, select the Resize image for screen resolution check box. (If the image does not fit to the screen resolution, the check box will be displayed regardless of whether the window is maximized.)

       If you prefer another image, click Select Different Image. Click anywhere on the Timeline to select a new image.

Ensure that camera is recording in order to select different image from the Timeline.

11.  Select Save and then Run to finish the report. To save the generated report in the format you selected in the Distribution > File subtab (previously), click Send Report and then File



If the Generate Image option was selected in the Email Distribution tab, then when you click Send Report > Email, the generated image will be sent.
If the Generate Image option was selected in the File tab, then when you click Send Report>File, the generated image will be saved to C:\Users\Build\Documents\Reports.

The Export option saves only tabular data; therefore, it will not include a generated heat map image even if you selected Generate Image for the Heat Map report in the Distribution (Email or File) tab.

The Generate Image option is available only for Heat Map reports

If you have an existing Heat Map report from a Symphony release prior to 6.10.1, the new columns of data may not appear.
To ensure that all columns are displayed:

1.      Select the report and click Edit.

2.    Click Save to re-save the report in the Report Designer. All columns will be displayed correctly when you run the report.