Create a Report

Depending on write-permissions, the generated report will be stored in the \Data\Reports folder on the master server machine.

New Report - To create a new Report.

Edit - To modify an existing Report, select it on the list and click Edit.

Delete - To delete an existing Report, select it on the list and click Delete.

Run - To generate an existing Report.

Copy - To copy an existing Report.

Shared Reports - Denotes whether the Report is accessible for other users or private to the current user.


IMPORTANT: If you encounter a problem saving your file, contact your Administrator. You may not have permission to save files on your machine.

Report Write Permissions

File Distribution Permissions for Scheduled versus Manual Reports



1.      Click the Reports icon. The Reports Designer dialog box opens.

2.      Click the New Report button.


Name - Enter a Name for the report that is easily identifiable.

Default Output View - Table or Graph.

Report Type:

        Object Counts Across a Line

        Heat Map Image

        Object Counts

        Object Statistics

        Alarm Statistics

        LPR Report

Cameras - All reports (except Heat Map report) allow you to select multiple cameras. You select devices in the Camera tab. Click Add a Camera and then select one or more cameras from the list.

Dates- Select dates in Start and End tab.


File format- PDF, CSV (comma separated document), or XML.

Email - Create an email recipient list for the report in the Distribution > Email tab.

Filename - By default, the filename is configured as ReportName_Year_Month_Day_Minute_Seconds_Milliseconds.

  • Schedule - When reports should be run including the time range of data, the recurrence, and schedule range

  • Run - Generate the report and then click the Table View or Graph View tabs

  • Table format - Export data to Excel, CSV, PDF, or RTF format. Click the Table tab and then Export to.

  • Send Report - Send the generated report to the recipient list you created in the Distribution > Email subtab (previously), click Send Report and then Email.

  • Save - Save the generated report in the format and in the location you selected in the Distribution > File subtab (previously), click Send Report and then File.


    IMPORTANT: If you encounter a problem saving your file, contact your Administrator. You may not have permission to save files on your machine. Report Write Permissions