Object Counts Across a Line

This report allows you to generate statistics regarding the number of objects crossing a user defined line.

The Include Summary Information option is available only for Object Counts Across a Line reports.


Create a Report


1.      Click the Reports icon and then New Report.

2.      Enter a description for the report in the Name field.

3.      Under Report Type, select the Objects Counts Across a Line option.

4.      Click Next Page or the next option in the vertical tabs list.

5.      Click Add a Camera and then select one or more cameras from the list.

6.      In the Start & End tab, define the start and end time of the report.





Select whether to use a Relative time to execute the report or a specific date and time. For example, if this Report was saved with the intention of running it in the future, selecting a Relative start of 7 days would mean the report start time would be 7 days from each time the report is executed. Using a specific date and time is only useful if this report is intended to be run only once and not in the future.


If a Relative time was selected in the Start section, selecting Now would set the report time dynamically to the time the report was run. If a specific data and time was selected it is most likely that a specific date and time for the end of the report is appropriate.

Time of Day

Searching by Full Days will include all 24 hours in a day. In cases where a search should spend multiple days but only a certain period of time per say, Partial days should be selected. For example, we may search across 7 days but only 10:00 - 20:00 each day, to filter out results that happened outside of store hours.

Time Interval

Select the Time Interval to be used in the Report.


7.      Click Next to open the Line tab. From the drop-down list, select a camera and add a line where objects should be counted. Do this for each camera you select. Move the line to where objects should be counted.

        To extend the line: Click on the background image to create a new line segment from the existing line to the point clicked.

        To delete a segment: Click the Delete Segment button, which removes the last segment. Delete Segment will not remove the last (original) line segment to ensure there is at least one line segment for the report.

        To reshape the line: Hover the mouse over the box segment end-point: the cursor changes to a hand. Click and drag. The cursor changes to a move shape icon (arrows) and allows you to drag the vertex.

8.      Select the format and optionally create an email recipient list for the report in the Distribution > Email tab. You can include Summary Information about Total In and Total Out.

9.      Schedule when reports should be run including the time range of data, the recurrence, and schedule range.

10.  Click Next to continue. On the Table View tab, define which columns should be included in the report.

        Select the Column link and drag a column header into top header. This causes information to be grouped by the column category. By default, all available columns are shown in the Table View unless manually removed.

11.  (Optional) Select a Graph Type, Graph Size, and Graph Default (for example, Total In or Total Out for the Information Summary. (Graph Size is the image size of the report graphic).

12.  Select Save and then Run to finish the report. To save the generated report in the format you selected in the Distribution > File subtab (previously), click Send Report and then File.


IMPORTANT: Depending on write-permissions, the generated report will be stored in the \Data\Reports folder on the master server machine. (This default folder is designated during the initial Symphony installation and setup or can be changed in the Server Path field.