Manage General Settings

You can configure various system settings in General Settings.


Enterprise Management: If your system is under Enterprise Management, all settings but  Farm Location (GPS) may be read-only if they have been configured at the enterprise management level.


Access General Settings

1.      Log into the server. Click Settings > General Settings.

2.      Modify the settings as necessary.





Time based video playback restriction

Default value is 9999 minutes.

However,  if you set this value to 60 minutes, and try to playback video 60+ minutes from the current time, you will see the "Access Denied" message in the Client. The video then jumps forward 60 minutes.

This option is connected to the View Restricted Historical Video permission, which by default is set to Allow for all user groups.

Video Decorations

Frame stats (FPS and frame time deviation)

Select this check box to display frame information on live video

Overlay camera name on video

Select this check box to display camera name on actual live video in addition to video title bar

Overlay camera ID on video

Select this check box to display camera ID on actual live video in addition to video title bar

Decoration Text Color

Select from a palette of colors for text (information) that is displayed over the video image

Background Sensitive

Text color automatically adjusts so as to contrast with background color of video image. For example, when the background in the video image is light, the text becomes black, and when the background in the video image is dark, the text becomes white.

Decoration Text Background

Select from a palette of colors as background contrast to the text that is displayed over the video image.

Using the slider, you can adjust the transparency of the box to show more or less of the video image behind the text box.

Event Log

Enable Event Log

Schedule archiving (never, weekly).

Event archive retention

Define how long events are saved before being over- written.


Enable SNMP

Enable or disable SNMP. See Enabling SNMP.

Data polling rate

Indicate data polling rate in seconds.

Footage size polling rate

Footage size polling rate timer (in seconds) specifies how often footage information is updated. Default value is 60 seconds.

Web Client


Randomly redirect master server logins to other available servers in the farm.



Configuring your mail server allows your Symphony server to send email notifications when events happen. Symphony may send emails as a result of Rule (Action) configuration or Subscriptions. Symphony will relay email via an email server defined in the Subscriptions page.


You must have a SMTP server configured on the Symphony PC.


For Google Gmail, you must also select the Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) check box.

User Connections


Restrict user from logging in more than once per server farm.

Farm Location


GPS Latitude

GPS Longitude

GPS coordinates of the server farm.