Manage Users

You can manage all aspects of users in Symphony: add, add to groups, modify information about or access to sites/devices/video walls, and delete or disable.

Information Stored About Users

Search Users

Manage User Groups


Set Up a New User

Task 1: Add a user

  1. Log into the server. Click Security > Users.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter information about the user in the designated fields. Select Group Membership: Symphony Users or Administrators. Security permissions for each user will be defined through the user's Group membership.

  4. Using the Priority slider, assign High or Low priority access for your user. For example, a user with higher priority gets control of PTZ camera when two users want to access the camera.

  5. Click Save.

Note: If Active Directory mode was defined during setup, no password is stored in Symphony as the Windows domain password will be used.

Task 2: Define the permissions for the user

Security rights will be defined at a resource (for example, camera) level within the group. Rights may include the ability to view a camera, to use the PTZ, or to change camera settings. Permissions to access these rights can be associated with users and/or user groups by an administrator.

If your system is under Enterprise Management, the Farm and User membership security settings are read-only if they have been configured at the enterprise management level. You cannot add/remove users or groups. You can, however, modify access to Devices and Video walls.

  1. In the Permissions section, select the Allow, Deny, or Unspecified option for each right.

  2. Site defines access rights for core functionality that is not specific to a camera or other resource; for example, whether a user can connect to the farm, or export video.

  3. You can click on the effective permission entry for a given right to display a list of inherited permissions. An Effective Permission Breakdown popup box appears. This helps you determine which group membership is causing the current effective permission.

  4. Click Save.

Users within Groups and Effective Permissions

Users can be assigned individual security privileges if necessary. The Deny option for any individual user or group overrides Allow.


User A has individual right of Allow, belongs to Group 1 which also has Allow, but is a sub group of Group 2, which has Deny. User A will be Denied the right.

User B has individual right of Deny, belongs to Group 1 which has Allow and is a subgroup of Group 2, which has Allow. User B will be Denied the right, irrespective of the group designations (of Allow). Deny is always the effective overriding permission.