Map Labels

Maps Overview

View a Map


Indicate IO Status on Maps

1.      Click the Settings icon and select Map Editor.

2.      Click the Map Labels tab.

3.      In the Name field, enter %DIO-X-Y-Z%

where X = device ID,

Y = I (input) or O (output),

Z = input/output number.

Z could also specify the module number as moduleNumber_inputOutputNumber.

4.      In the text field, enter “Status of IO.” This text field will change automatically to the display the IO status of the device.

5.      Click Save.

6.      Drag the label in the list to the correct location on the map.

7.      Click OK.




%DIO-3-I-1%  à   Links to device 3 input 1

 %DIO-3-O-2_1% à  Links to device 3 output 1 on module 2


The status of the IO device is displayed in the label on the map.