Marking Alarms

The Alarm Log dialog box shows a list of alarms for connected servers.

Alarm Log



1.      Right click on the alarm you wish to mark. (Multiple alarms can be marked simultaneously if you select a range of alarms using standard Windows click followed by Shift-click or Ctrl-click.)

2.      Select an action to perform:

Print and Export To - The Preview dialog box opens. You can export to various files types, print the alarm information or send the information via email.

Mark As Alarm - To mark as a real alarm.

Mark as False Alarm - To mark as a false alarm.

Mark as Real Actionable - To mark as a real alarm that requires action, for example, security staff should investigate the alarm.

View Alarm Details -To add comments to the alarm.

Highlight New Alarm - To automatically select new alarms when raised and switch cameras and show the alarm image in the main view.

3.      Click Save when finished.