Alarm Log

The Alarm Log panel shows a list of alarms for connected servers.

By default, the Alarm Log panel is docked inside the main view. The Alarm Log panel can be dragged into a second monitor and configured to display more information. 

In Advanced Mode, the Alarm Log panel provides detailed information: camera view, alarm details, thumbnails of alarms.

Tree View of Alarm Filtering Options

Enable or Disable Alarms for Server

Marking Alarms


Display the Alarm Log Panel

Click the Settings icon and select Alarm Log OR click the Alarm Log icon on the Menu Toolbar.

Display the Alarm Log in Advanced Mode

Click the Advanced Mode button in the Alarm Log panel. 

Display Alarm Details

The Alarm Details panel can be docked within the Alarm Log or dragged onto another display monitor.

1.      Click the Alarm Details toolbar button.

2.      (Optional) Enter any relevant details in the Alarm Comments area and click Save.

Display a Camera View

Camera View panel can be docked within the Alarm Log panel, or dragged onto another display monitor. Click the Camera View toolbar button.


Display and Group Columns in Alarm Log


The Column Chooser menu option allows you to customize which columns are displayed. Grouping by columns is an effective way of organizing the potentially long list of alarms. A typical use would be to group all alarms by Server, then by Camera.

1.      Right-click on one of the column headings in the Alarm Log panel and select Column Chooser

2.      Drag columns from the Customization dialog box to the column headings in the Alarm Log or drag column headings from the Alarm Log into the Customization dialog box.

3.      Drag the desired column heading into the area marked by the text Drag a column header here to group by that column.


Display Calendar

The Calendar allows you to load alarms for all connected servers for a specific date. Days displayed in bold weight font contain video data.

Click the Date toolbar filter button.