Run a Report from the Web

Aimetis Symphony includes a web interface. Each server has its own web interface. The web interface is designed to mimic the windows rich client (Symphony Client) as much as possible.

If the Camera Tree contains more than 100 devices, the Web Client shows video from cameras as separate pages, navigated by forward and back buttons.

All core features such as Alarm Log, Timeline, Reporting and live video streaming are included.

IMPORTANT: To view a Heat Map report for both Object Paths and Object Dwell Times, you must first create 2 reports in Symphony Client. See Create Two Heat Map Reports to Run from the Web.



Create a Report


Task 1:  Access the web interface

1.      Navigate to http://SERVERNAME:50000 (where SERVERNAME can be your windows hostname or the IP address of the server).

2.      Log in.

Task 2:  Obtain the report ID

1.      Click the Reports link.

2.      Select the report you want to run and click Edit. Notice that the report ID appears in the URL displayed in your Web Browser. Remember the ID.

Task 3:  Prepare the report URL

1.      Enter this URL http://SERVERNAME:50000/Reports/ReportOutput.aspx?username=<name>&password=<password>&report=<reportID> where

SERVERNAME is the name of host running the Symphony server or IP address of the server

<username> is the username you used to log into Aimetis Symphony web version Task 1, step 2

<password> is the password you used to log into Aimetis Symphony web version Task 1, step 2

<report ID> is the ID you obtained in Task 2, step 2

2.      Depending on the type of output you want, append one of the following format variables to the URL:

XLS - &format=XLS

CVS - &format=CVS

PDF - &format=PDF

RTF (rich text format) - &format=RTF

A heat map or graph is output as a bitmap image (.bmp).


Task 4:  Invoke the URL in the command line

Use a command line program to invoke the URL to output the report.

1.      For example, in the command line, enter:

curl -L –O <URL>, where <URL> is the URL specified in Task 3 (<http://SERVERNAME:50000/Reports/ReportOutput.aspx?username=<name>&password=<password>&report=<reportID>)

2.      The script runs and the corresponding file is saved locally. You can create a batch script to run all the desired reports at once.