Search Tool

A minimum of 2 GB of hard drive space is required on the drive where the search is performed.


The Search tool allows you to search recorded video for motion or alarms in specified areas of interest. Symphony will search based on your criteria and create a mini movie and thumbnails showing the results. For example, you may search for all activity around a car for the last 24 hours. Symphony will create a video containing only activity that occurred in an area of an image designated by you. The result may be a five minute video, depending on how much activity was found.


View Search Results


Perform a Search

1.      Click in the panel to display the Search icon and click the icon. The Search dialog box opens.

2.      From the Add-Ons list, select an analytic. Depending on the analytic you choose, you can mark the area of interest for searching or select a class of objects to search for such as people or vehicles. Each analytic has different search options. Some options might be:

Use Mask

Using the displayed image from the video, you define the area in blue (a mask) where objects in motion should be detected.

Select the Draw option to draw the blue mask.

Select the Erase option to erase the blue mask.

The Size slider adjusts the pen thickness.

Use Fences

Digital fences can be used as the search criteria.

Select Use Fences.

Draw the fence using by clicking and dragging your mouse across the image.

All fences denotes that the object must pass through all fence lines to result in resulting search video. 


People, Vehicles or Unknown objects (unknown objects are objects that were tracked but were not classified as people or vehicles). 


Loitering or moving. Indicate the number of seconds.


3.      Specify your search From and To dates.

4.      Specify what to search for:

        Any Event- Symphony will search for all event between a specific date and time.

        Alarms Only - Allows you to select the specific events to search for as defined by the Rules.

5.      If the search is being conducted against a PTZ camera, select the Home Position to search in. Home Positions are configured in the Camera Tour. See PTZ Controls.

6.      Click Search to start search. The View Search Results dialog box opens. See View Search Results.